They have been splintered and ineffective since the mid-1960s when the National Organization for Women was founded to fight against the Equal Rights Amendment. Thus far, Rome is not burning because unlike the people behind Black Lives Matter, women have no clue how to use their political power. The decision was probably leaked by Justice Alito, who wrote it, as a trial balloon to gauge public reaction. It has given people rights, and on occasion weakened them, but never have they taken them away completely. The Court is setting an extremely dangerous anti-American precedent because it has never before taken away constitutional rights. It’s the equivalent of ruling that Black children no longer have a right to go to school with white children. The ruling will take away fundamental constitutional rights for women that have been in place for 49 years. Wade as soon as its “leaked” decision becomes final, probably in a few weeks.
The Supreme Court is poised to overturn Roe v.